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Published: 2025-01-30 Updated: 2025-02-21, 13:22

Popular lecture series on transdisciplinary AI resumes

NEWS On 7 February, the popular lecture series #frAIday talks resumes, where researchers from Umeå University and internationally acclaimed experts share their latest findings. TAIGA welcomes researchers from various disciplines to yet another inspiring spring with #frAIday talks.

Professor Thomas Hellström lectures at #frAIday talk, December 2024. Photo: Eva Mårell Olsson

Over the years, the lecture series has been a highly appreciated activity for researchers who wish to meet colleagues from different disciplines and explore how AI can be applied within their respective fields. Each 30-minute lecture is followed by a Q&A session.

Spring 2025 programme:

7/2: Alejandro Rodriguez Gonzales, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
14/2: Joost Broekens, Leiden University
21/2: Juan Carlos Nieves, Umeå University
28/2: Samuel Merrill, Umeå University; Rik Smit, Groningen University; Thomas Smits, Amsterdam University
21/3: Ola Lindberg, Umeå University
28/3: Moa Eriksson Krutrök & Pär Poromaa Isling, Umeå University
4/4: Thomas Mejtoft, Umeå University
11/4: Ron Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
25/4: Young Suk Lee, Umeå Institute of Design
9/5: Jannice Käll, Lund University
16/5: Yoshi Kashima, University of Melbourne
23/5: Dorna Behdadi, Umeå University

#frAIday talks take place on Fridays from 12:15 to 13:00 via Zoom and in Galaxen, Umeå University. The lectures are held in English and are open to everyone. To participate via Zoom, sign up for the newsletter to receive the link.

Learn more about #frAIday talks (umu.se)

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Watch previous #frAIday talks on UMU play


Henry Lopez Vega
Other position, associate professor
Anna Lindström
Administrator, project administrator