Bildmuseet at Umeå University is currently presenting a generous selection of works by Oscar Muñoz, one of the most promiment artists from Latin America.
Oscar Muñoz is internationally recognized and one of today’s most prominent artists from the Americas. Born 1951, he lives and works in Cali, Colombia. His poetically charged works, often approaching a kind of sensual or perceptual riddles or revelations, involves issues regarding the most fundamental existence and meaning of images in human culture – images and memory, images and identity, images and absence or death. Yet, the work of Oscar Muñoz is at the same time a consistent meditation over human vulnerability, over the history and presence and imminence of violence, in his native country Colombia and in human culture in general. Most often this is channelled through the portrait, and even the self-portrait, as a key motif in his oeuvre.
Photography, video, screen prints, objects and installations are among the techniques and media employed in his wide-reaching production, which ranges from the 1980s till today. There is often a demanding or time-consuming and tedious process of production behind each work, where congenial or extra-ordinary solutions invent new methods of image creation. Works by Oscar Muñoz have been on exhibitions throughout the world over the past 15 years, including the Biennale of Thessaloniki, Prague, Venice and Helsinki. He has had solo exhibitions in London, Los Angeles, Bogota and Toronto. The exhibition at Bildmuseet is his most extensive in Europe.
The exhibition at Bildmuseet – opening on the 6th of June, 2009 – offers a generous selection of works from the last 10 years. Several key works from his production from the last years such as Narcisos, Proyecto para un memorial, Linea del destino and Aliento are included in the exhibition.
For further information about the Oscar Muñoz exhibition, please contact:Jan-Erik Lundström, Director of BildMuseetPhone: +46 (0)90 - 786 68 15 E-mail: