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Published: 2024-05-22

Nordeas thesis award, diversity and inclusion

NEWS Nordeas thesis award, diversity and inclusion is awarded to Evelina Berg and Simon Laukka, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE). Their thesis entitled ”Arbetsmiljö och motivation att leda. En kvalitativ studie om arbetsmiljöns inverkan på kvinnliga chefers motivation att leda inom den svenska IT-branschen” will be awarded with 15 000 SEK.

This is the third time that the award is given and the purpose of the award is to stimulate and maintain students' interest in how issues in business administration, economics and statistics can be related to diversity and inclusion. The financing of the prize, which is given as a scholarship, has been made possible by the USBEs collaboration with Nordea | BBU Botnia.

Comment from Nordea

– It is gratifying to once again be able to award Nordea's scholarship for the best thesis in the field of diversity and inclusion. This time to two students who in a qualified manner investigated obstacles and success factors for women as leaders in male-dominated industries.

Comment from Simon

– Thank you Nordea and USBE for the award! We would also like to extend a big thank you to our supervisor Quang Evansluong and our fellow course students for their guidance and support. Writing this thesis was a very educational and challenging period that will benefit us in our future careers.

Evelina Berg

– We are very happy that Nordea and USBE have this collaboration. Diversity and inclusion is an important topic that deserves to be highlighted. Hopefully, we can contribute to students and professionals being inspired to explore the topic from more, innovative perspectives.

Words from the jury

The thesis addresses a problem with high relevance for inclusion and diversity: the relationship between work environment and motivation to lead, with application to a traditionally male-dominated industry. It is particularly distinguished by a high level of ambition in terms of empirical method and the theoretical approach. In addition, the thesis is well connected to previous research in the field and is well written.

About the thesis

The thesis supervisor was Quang Evansloung.

The thesis can be found here