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Published: 2021-10-14

No COVID measures when the spring semester starts

NEWS The Vice-Chancellor of Umeå University has now reached a decision on COVID measures for the second half of this autumn semester. For instance, deviations from syllabi will still be allowed and individuals who have not been fully vaccinated have a personal responsibility to maintain distance to others. From 17 January, all COVID measures will be lifted, and the university will return to regular regulations, unless otherwise is decided.

Text: Jonas Lidström, Anna Lawrence

Most of Umeå University’s measures due to COVID-19 were lifted in conjunction with national restrictions being removed at the end of September.

On 14 October, the Vice-Chancellor reached a decision on what remaining measures will apply from 2 January until the end of the autumn semester on 16 January.

No restrictions for teaching and assessment

When it comes to the implementation of teaching and assessment, the Vice-Chancellor has reached the decision that no COVID measures will remain from 2 November onwards.

The possibility to make deviations from course and programme syllabi as well as rescheduling of course, modules and exams remains until the end of the autumn semester, in the cases the pandemic requires.

There is still no requirement that teaching staff must reschedule their plans and preparations for the implementation of this autumn semester.

All students and staff must continue to follow applicable national and regional regulations, recommendations and guidelines. A person who is sick must stay at home and get tested for COVID-19. Individuals who have not been fully vaccinated must also take personal responsibility to maintain distance to others and avoid places that are crowded, according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s guidelines.

Measures that are lifted from 2 November

For the period 30 September until 1 November, the principle of leaving every other chair empty applies in university premises to reduce the number of people. From 2 November, this restriction is lifted, which means that departments, and others, can return to using lecture halls and auditoriums without the limitation in number that has applied during the pandemic.

When it comes to examination, the Examination Services return to their regular principles for planning examinations and the length of written hall examinations.

No COVID measures from 17 January

From spring semester 2022 starting on 17 January, all teaching and assessment must return to follow regular regulations, unless otherwise is decided.

Read the decision

Questions and comments

If you have questions or comments about the university’s information or handling of COVID-19, please contact the Crisis Management Team on corona@umu.se.