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Published: 2024-09-26

New large language models course addresses increasing skills needs

NEWS The Department of Computing Science continues to invest in skills development for professionals in IT and AI. This after the Summer course on LLMs became one of Umeå University's most popular, attracting a very high number of applicants. "We are responding to the demand and opening a new opportunity specifically designed for established IT professionals," says Michael Minock, Associate Professor in Computing Science.

Chat GPT came along and took the world by surprise. Large language models are now being applied in a range of projects, worldwide. But how can professionals already working in a Swedish or international company utilise and integrate the technology into their systems? This is exactly what participants will learn in spring 2025 when the course "Large Language Models (LLMs) for Practitioners" kicks off.

LLMs - Concepts, Tools and Development

"We provide a systematic introduction to the concepts and tools that form the basis of development. For example, we cover Transformers at a very high level. Then, we explore key methods for successfully using LLM," says Michael Minock, Associate Professor at the Department of Computing Science, Umeå University.

In very simple terms, Transformers have fundamentally changed the way we use technology to process and understand text and natural language. "During the course, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about this, and develop solutions for their own industry-specific data as well," says Michael Minock.

LLMs for professionals

The Department of Computing Science at Umeå University has grown at record speed in recent years. It offers IT and AI programmes and courses of high quality and reputation. The department also conducts world-leading research in areas such as AI, responsible AI, cloud computing, data privacy, natural language processing, data security, explainable AI, and AI for data management.

"The course Large Language Models (LLMs) for Practitioners" is primarily aimed at those who already work in the IT industry, with experience of, or interest in, development work. Therefore, the course is also held remotely, and does not require physical presence," says Michael Minock.

New 2025 summer course on large language models

The high number of applications for the summer course in 2024 has led the Department of Computing Science to plan for a follow-up. "We experienced a huge interest and are now evaluating the course to develop the most important and most appreciated parts for an intensive and educational summer course also in 2025," Michael Minock says.

For additional information

Please contact Michael Minock, Associate Professor at the Department of Computing Science, who researches on natural language interfaces, knowledge representation and databases. Michael Minock teaches databases, AI, LLMs, logic and algorithms.

Michael Minock
Associate professor