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Published: 2023-10-11

Lars Larsson new director of Centre for Educational Development

NEWS As of 1 September 2023, Lars Larsson, senior lecturer and educational developer, will take over from Eva Svedmark as the new director of Centre for Educational Development.

Text: Ellen Säll

Centre for Educational Development works to promote a vibrant and engaged pedagogy at Umeå University. Through courses, workshops, and seminars in higher education pedagogy, all teaching staff at the institution have the opportunity to continuously enhance their pedagogical competence. In his role as the director, Lars aims to contribute to the future of the unit by preserving the unit's existing strengths while introducing some new perspectives.

- Centre for Educational Development has a good reputation. I want to ensure that we can maintain it by cultivating our strengths and effectively meeting the needs of our organization. One engaging and inescapable question is education for sustainable development. If I can contribute there, I want to do it. Playfulness as an approach to teaching and learning is also important to me. For those who are curious, I recommend attending the University Pedagogy Conference 2023, which concludes with a keynote on playfulness."

The path to the position of the units director has taken him from Uppsala and Falun, where he earned his Ph.D. in human geography, to becoming a teacher and program director in the same field at Umeå University.

- I conducted my dissertation work on policies for rural development at a regional R&D unit in Falun. I enjoyed moving between research, academia, and more applied work together with stakeholders who wanted to change and develop their places. It's similar to the feeling I have as a pedagogical developer. I use relevant research and proven experience to assist teachers, educational leaders, and others who want to enhance teaching and education."

Over the past five years, he has worked at Centre for Educational Development under the leadership of Eva Svedmark and emphasizes the foundations she established for lively, reflective, and action-oriented discussions as the core of the units professional work. Inspired by her strategic vision, he aims to continue developing this way of working.

- As long as teaching and learning take place in a human interaction, our work will serve a purpose. Ultimately, it's about building relationships, and in our interactions with others, as teachers and leaders, we can develop our pedagogical judgment.