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Published: 2025-02-27

Language Programme to promote internationalisation and participation

NEWS Umeå University's language programme for staff started in November 2024 with courses in Swedish. In 2025, the selection of courses and workshops in Swedish and English will expand to include a variety of activities: courses, workshops, language cafés, and operational support for heads of departments and units.

“The content of the Language Programme contributes to Umeå University's vision of providing support that promote cutting-edge education, research and innovation, as well as offering first-class infrastructure. It is also stipulated in the Language Act that Swedish is the official language of Sweden and the language of public administration,” says Cathrine Norberg, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for education on first- and second-cycle levels. 

An internationalisation project

Umeå University is one of Sweden's largest universities with approximately 40,000 students and 4,600 employees. The university successfully recruits staff from other countries, however, staff and employees alike face challenges when insufficient language skills prevent individual staff from fully participating in the workplace. 

It is stipulated in the Language Act that Swedish is the official language of Sweden and the language of public administration.

“The language programme aims to provide tools for a sustainable working life and strengthen strategic talent acquisition. A varied range of courses in Swedish for internationally recruited staff provide them with better opportunities to influence their workplace and perform tasks that require sufficient skills in Swedish,” says Lars Nordlander, Human Resources Director. 

Swedish language skills have been on the political agenda for the last few years. In February this year, the government tasked the Swedish Council for Higher Education with conducting a preliminary study on citizenship tests. The preliminary study on the test on written and oral proficiency in Swedish will be presented to the government in June 2026. Simultaneously, the government tasked Statistics Sweden with investigating Swedish language skills of foreign-born individuals. 

Courses in Swedish for internationally recruited staff provide them with better opportunities to influence their workplace and perform tasks that require sufficient skills in Swedish.

The project is financed with transition funds, which at Umeå University are organised within the so-called local development fund. Decision-makers in the local development fund include employer representatives and the three trade unions at the university. The initiative to apply for funding from the development fund came from Linda Bergéli, Human Resources Strategist at the Human Resources Office.

"We have offered internal courses in Swedish before, but when the first course started in 2015, the need was not as extensive as the university sees a need for today. The issue of language requirements makes it even more important that we as an employer create conditions for our international staff to learn Swedish. Conversely, the increased internationalisation has created a need among our staff to be able to perform their tasks in English," says Linda Bergéli.


Broad content to meet different needs 

The language programme was preceded by a preliminary study that resulted in a proposal focusing on content breadth and flexibility. 

In Swedish, there are beginner courses for those with no prior knowledge and continuation courses with special focuses, such as improving pronunciation, grammar, and writing formal Swedish. The courses have different structures and progression rates based on the target group's needs and prerequisites. 

From my perspective as a teacher, I must say that it is difficult to imagine a more gratifying target group to work with; the participants are so motivated and engaged.

In English, there are workshops and short courses with special focuses, such as English for employees working in HR, communication, and educational administration. For teaching and research staff, there are courses in for example popular science writing in English. 

“For courses and workshops, we consider both the broad and the narrow, the expected and the unexpected. During the project, we will evaluate what works and what doesn’t,” says Frankie Ekerholm, project manager for the Language Programme. 

A challenge identified in the preliminary study is how to combine learning Swedish with full-time employment. Therefore, the Language Programme will also explore what is required beyond courses and other educational efforts. 

“During this pilot phase, we want to investigate how we as an organisation can approach language learning strategically and support the individual who wants to strengthen their skills in Swedish or English. One possible way is through methods for language learning support in the workplace. We also want to offer knowledgeable support to managers of multilingual workplaces,” notes Frankie Ekerholm. 

The Language Programme’s first steps were two short courses in Swedish: Improve your pronunciation and Vocabulary and phrases in academia. Participants held various positions and represented all faculties and the University Administration. 

“It is great that the interest in the courses that initiated the programme was so high – some have even suggested new themes for short courses. From my perspective as a teacher, I must say that it is difficult to imagine a more gratifying target group to work with; the participants are so motivated and engaged,” says Amelie Pelletier, lecturer at the Department of Language Studies. 

The Language Programme will be organised as a pilot project for four years. The results will provide insight and conclusions on how Umeå University will organise permanent competence development in Swedish and English for staff. 


Frankie Ekerholm
Project manager


The Human Resources Office, in collaboration with the Department of Language Studies, has since 2015 organised Swedish for academics, which was given on three levels and aimed at international staff across the university.

The Faculty of Science and Technology started a collaboration with Mid Sweden University in 2022 on the initiative of Dean Mikael Elofsson. Staff at the faculty were offered a three-semester course in Swedish.

The Language Programme for staff at Umeå University means that there is now a single organisation within the university.