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Published: 2025-02-28

KBC Relay 2025 - A new team in town, and amazing costumes

NEWS The annual KBC Relay, the race where the sweat drips and the laughter is loud, took place yesterday on the Campus Fields in Umeå. Despite the week's unpredictable weather, a total of 23 teams competed in the relay, along with four quartets who impressively made their way around the 1-kilometer track on their "battleships."

See video from the day at the end.

The weather over the past weekend and earlier this week left much to be desired, and the organisers of the KBC Relay nervously watched as the snow quickly melted away in the rain. But where there's a will, there's a way — there would be a relay!

On race day, the weather held up, and it was cold enough for the tracks around the Campus Fields to freeze, providing impressively smooth gliding conditions. A total of 23 teams participated — ranging from enthusiastic recreational skiers to international colleagues who had not had skis since childhood, and of course, the KBC's elite who flew across the tracks.

In the end, a team from SLU took home the victory at impressivly 11 minutes, while the highly favored "Snökanonerna” (eng: Snow cannons) from previous years had to settle for third place. A shot at revenge next year, perhaps? Find all teams' results here.

Four teams completed the race on "battleships" — skis with four bindings that test teamwork as they strive to reach the finish line. Learn more about KBC Relay 2025 here.

This year's costumes were also something truly special. Check out the video below, and make sure to bring your skis next year!

KBC Relay 2025