Kary Främling – new professor at Computing Science
Professor Kary Främling, Aalto University, has joined The Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, as Professor in Data Science, with start-up funding from the Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP).
Kary Främling is the founder and Head of the team Adaptive Systems of Intelligent Agents, formerly known as the DIALOG team (Distributed Information Architectures for collaborative LOGistics, old web pages here). The DIALOG software was, to our best knowledge, the first Internet of Things (IoT) implementation worldwide in 2002 (being used in several multi-organization real-world applications), according to the current (2016) view and definition of IoT.
Kary främlings main areas of professional interest are:
Building Information Modeling and ManagementArtificial IntelligenceIntelligent ProductsInternet of ThingsReinforcement LearningProduct Lifecycle Information Management / Closed-Loop Lifecycle Management (CL2M)Distributed programsNeural Networks Multi-Agent Systems
Some highlights on his achievements:
First (or at least one of the first) academic articles mentioning the Internet of Things (IoT) concept (2002).IoT implementation enabling most current (2013) IoT systems with the DIALOG platform in 2001, used in industrial pilot systems in 2002 and 2003. Creation of generic IoT architecture and implementations in several domains (homes, appliances, vehicles, industrial services etc.) during the PROMISE EU FP6 project.