On 2–3 June The Institute of Design at Umeå University is arranging the International conference UID Design Talks. The theme for the days is change. The main speaker Chris Bangle, former chief of design at BMW, will be making an appearance. In addition, thirty or so industrial designers will be presenting their degree projects.
”We are currently living in an era of change. The environment around us is undergoing a radical change, the economy, the culture and the society likewise. Design has a unique ability to show what the future could be like – and actively make that future happen. And who would be better to show us where the future is going than 35 young and talented designers?” says Anna Valtonen, former head of design research at Nokia in Helsinki and now new rector at the Institute of Design.
”Our students vision design solutions for a broad variety of people, needs and environments. There is breast cancer screening for underserved communities, a platform for the youth to encourage support for the Red Cross and an orthopaedic swimming aid for those with special needs. We also present the aesthetics of sustainability and think about the sound landscape of electric cars. These just to mention a few projects that we worked with this year,” says Tapio Alakörkkö, head of the Institute of Design.
Since 2007, the Institute of Design has arranged the UID Design Talks - an inspiring design event which takes place at the same time as the opening of the annual graduation exhibition. This year’s main speaker, Chris Bangle is known as the designer that has had the greatest influence on the car industry. He is not afraid of breaking with traditions and has, among other things, developed the design of BMW, Mini Cooper and Rolls-Royce in order to adapt the to the new millennium. At present he is running a design bureau, Chris Bangle Associates, based in northern Italy. Under the UID Design Talks he will share his thoughts about change related to design work.
During the days, the students that have recently passed their examinations will present their degree projects and this event is a fantastic opportunity for them to network with chief designers from different companies. Among others, representatives from Audi, Nokia, Husqvarna, Volvo, Samsung, Electrolux, Vodafone and Volkswagen will be participating.
During Anna Valtonen’s years at Nokia she was involved in the Institute of Design’s degree projects “I already knew that the projects maintain an extremely high level. I have nevertheless been surprised when I this year, for the first time, was able to follow the entire process from the inside. The Institute of Design simply bubbles with commitment, creativity and professionalism,” says.
Time: 2-3 June. Chris Bangle and students at the Institute of Design are available for interviews on 2 June at 14.15. The Myra Design Award Ceremony" will take place at 19.00 on June 2. Place: Designhögskolan, Östra Strandgatan 30, Umeå. A map is available on:
The graduation exhibition is open to the general public
Monday 7/6 between 12:00-20:00, Tuesday 8/6 and Wednesday 9/6 between 10:00-18:00.
For further information, please contact:
Tapio Alakörkkö, head of department at the Institute of Design Telephone: 090-786 98 35, 073-620 51 51 E-mail:
Demian Horst, responsible for the Master’s programme in transport design Telephone: 090-786 97 82, 070-293 16 50 E-mail:
High-resolution press images for publication are available via: George Peravantes Telephone: 073-833 01 74 E-mail:
Among the graduate students there are more than 15 nationalities and many of the students have already received prizes for their design work. At the Institute of Design, students are taught the profession industrial designer, and every year 15 students are admitted to the three-year bachelor’s programme in industrial design and 10-15 students each at the master’s programmes in advanced product design, interaction design and transportation design. The master’s programmes are offered in English, and are applied for by students throughout the world. More than 60% of the Master’s students come from countries other than Sweden.
The education and the Institute of Design is well respected internationally, and more than 90% of the graduate students receive work in the area of industrial design following their education. In the autumn 2008, the Institute of Design was awarded the Swedish Agency for Higher Education’s quality award “Centre of Excellence in Higher Education”. The magazine BusinessWeek has ranked the Institute of Design as one of the world’s best educations in industrial design three times in a row.
Facts about UID Design Talks
With UID Design Talks, the Institute of Design wants to create an open and inspiring environment for cross-disciplinary discussion on design by gathering together speakers and participants from different fields and professions, who are all committed to the design of the future.