Humlab invites pilot project proposals in Digital Humanities
Successful applications will receive technical support, methodological guidance, and access to computational resources for explorative small-scale projects. This call is open to all employees at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Would you like assistance in Humlab’s areas of expertise?
3-5 applications will be granted assistance by Humlab’s team of system developers.
Applications should include a project plan (max 4 pages) specifying:
the aim and purpose of the project
the primary data you will be using
the methods, tools or technology you plan to use
the expected outcome(s) of the project
possible outcomes after the pilot (application to external funding agencies, course, workshop, etc).
Applications will be assessed by Humlab’s management group and selection will be based onfeasibility, originality and infrastructural relevance. Project proposals that aim at external research applications or at teaching collaborations will be given priority. Selected applicants will be invited to a first meeting to ensure a mutual understanding of expected outcomes and agree on a schedule.