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Published: 2023-05-08

USBE Scientific Award 2023

NEWS This year we have two recipients and we congratulate Ulrika Leijerholt, Department of Business Administration and Hanna Lindström, Department of Economics. The idea behind the scientific awards is to celebrate scientific writing and to distinguish high-quality research in the field of the disciplines.

The Scientific Award in Business Administration

Ulrika Leijerholt, associate professor at The Department of Business Administration has after defending her dissertation in 2019, in many ways, been a role model for what a modern scholar is. She has published several articles in journals of excellent quality, frequently attends conferences and builds her network, and is an appreciated teacher by students and colleagues alike. Ulrika demonstrates scholarly maturity by taking responsibility beyond herself by contributing to shaping the research environment at the department through, for instance, initiating and organizing the monthly writing sessions for researchers at the department.

Finally, Ulrika has started or been part of several external outreach activities for regional organizations, including initiating the network for public sector branding. Considering these achievements and the willingness to take responsibility for others beyond herself, it is with great pleasure that Ulrika Leijerholt is awarded the USBE Scientific Award in Business Administration in 2023.

Comment from Ulrika Leijerholt

- I am very happy and grateful to be awarded the USBE Scientific Award 2023. It is very encouraging to receive the award, and I look forward to continuing my work and developing new research projects in collaboration with colleagues and public institutions.

The Scientific Award in Economics

Hanna Lindström received her PhD in Economics in 2021 and is working as an assistant professor at The Department of Economics.

Hanna is a highly skilled empirically oriented economist working with issues on public procurement, environmental policy evaluation, consumer preferences and producer behavior. She is involved in a research project that studies how the green transition within energy intensive sectors in Sweden affects labor demand and substitution between different input factors.

Hanna has a number of working papers and papers in progress dealing with e.g. public procurement and environmental policy evaluation. Hanna´s work is of high scientific quality, and is expecting to publish her work in well renowned scientific journals.

Hanna has the ability to generate interesting research ideas, and she writes and presents her research pedagogically and very clearly. She is an excellent and enthusiastic teacher and receives positive reviews from students.

Hanna Lindström is a worthy winner of the USBE Scientific Award in Economics who significantly contributes to the working environment at the department.

Comment from Hanna Lindström

I am very honored to be this year’s winner of the USBE Scientific Award in Economics. I consider it highly inspiring and motivating that my activities as a researcher and teacher are highlighted and celebrated in this manner.


Ulrika Leijerholt
Associate professor
Hanna Lindström
Research fellow (on leave), assistant professor (on leave)