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Published: 2024-08-29

Guest researchers from CED in Barcelona visits CEDAR

NEWS Four researcher from Center for Demographic Studies (CED), Barcelona, will visit Umeå and Centre for for demographic and ageing research (CEDAR) during 2 weeks in September.

CEDAR – Centre for demographic and ageing research at Umeå university welcomes four guest researchers from Center for Demographic Studies (CED) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Albert Esteve Palós (Director of CED), Anna Turu Sánchez, Rita Trias Prats and Federica Becca will visit CEDAR from 2nd to the 13th of September.

During their stay the four guest researchers will work together with researchers at CEDAR in a project on co-residence in different countries.

The visit is part of an exchange programme between CEDAR and CED.

On Thursday the 5th of September at 1.00 pm Albert Esteve Palós will give a seminar with the title 
“Guess Who I'm Having Dinner with Tonight: A Global View on Living Arrangements” 
CEDAR seminar with guest researcher Professor Albert Esteve Palos
All interested are welcome to participate!