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Published: 2016-04-22

Great interest in new Master Programme

NEWS After the final master programme application date, Umeå Forum for Studies on Law and Society and Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, both at Umeå University, can happily conclude that the interest in their new Master Programme in Law, Gender and Society exceeded their expectations. With 116 first hand applicants the programme is one of the most popular advanced level educations at the university.

Photo left: Åsa Yttergren, Director of Umeå Forum for Studies on Law and Society

When studying the programme, students will learn more about how to critically scrutinize the law, and how the law can give different effects depending on where in society it is applied. The education is developed for applicants who want to work with equal treatment and gender equality in a broad sense, for example in public government, such as state, municipalities, and counties, and the private sector and non-governmental organizations.
“We are glad to receive so many applications,” says Åsa Yttergren, Director of Umeå Forum for Studies on Law and Society. “The Program prepares students to respond, in working life, to societal challenges such as the difficulties to reach gender equality, to respect diverseness due to, for instance, ethnicity and sexual orientation, and also to decrease or tackle domestic violence. After finishing the programme we hope that the students will be able work both critically and constructive with implementation and evaluation of legislations and policy documents.”

To increase the possibilities for international and already working applicants, the Master Programme in Law, Gender and Society is taught online and in English.

Editor: Elin Andersson