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Published: 2010-06-11

Great interest for research on gender based violence

NEWS A delegation with representatives from different networks for women’s rights and female jurists in Senegal visited Umeå Centre for Gender Studies on June 10. They where especially intrested in research on violence in intimate relations, and how Swedish authorities treat crime victims.

The delegation was invited to Sweden by the Swedish institute, in Umeå they visited Umeå Univetsity and the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority. Among the visitors where Ms. Aminata Marie Delphine Ndiaye, President for the Association of Senegalese Women Jurists and Ms. Fatimata Sy, President for the Committee Fighting Violence Against Women. The represented organisations works with, among other things, legal and practical help to women that have been in abusive relationships. They also try to spread knowledge of violence against women in Senegal.

At Umeå Centre for Gender studies they met members of the research theme Challening Violence, that consists of researhcers interested in issues of violence in intimate relations. Among others Monica Burman, Research Fellow in Gender Studies and Law, presented her reserarch on how Swedish legislation effects women subjected to violence by a partner.

The represenatives from Umeå also presented the Centre Against Violence, that is a result of a collaboration between Umeå Municipality, Umeå University, the Västerbotten County Council, the Västerbotten County Police, the Swedish Prosecution Authority and the National Board of Forensic Medicine. At the centre, women and children that have been subjected to violence can get help from all authorities in one place, and do not have to contact them all individually.

Editor: Elin Andersson