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Published: 2022-05-25

Graduation Ceremony is once again celebrated in Aula Nordica

NEWS For the first time since 2019, Umeå University’s Graduation Ceremony is to be celebrated in Aula Nordica. Graduation Ceremony is the university's ceremony to celebrate students who have studied an international Master’s programme. This year, 175 students from nearly 50 countries and 32 programmes are expected to attend the celebration along with almost 300 guests.

Text: Elizabet Westerlund

Graduation Ceremony is Umeå University's ceremony to celebrate and honour the achievements of the students who have studied an international Master’s programme. The ceremony has been held every year since 2015 but was offered as a virtual event during 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. This year, on Tuesday 31 May, the ceremony will once again take place in Aula Nordica. The ceremony is also broadcasted via live.umu.se and Umeå University's Facebook page.

- It feels great to be able to celebrate the students in Aula Nordica again - to give them the opportunity to receive the congratulatory scroll from the Vice-Chancellor on stage. The majority of these students came to Umeå in the beginning of the pandemic and have therefore had a somewhat different experience of their studies in Umeå. Therefore, it feels great to be able to offer this ceremony on site again, says project coordinator Jessica Bergström Grahn from the International Office.

Speech by the Vice-Chancellor and music

This year, 175 students from over almost 50 countries are expected to attend the ceremony, from 32 of the university's international Master's Programmes. In addition to the students, almost 300 guests are also expected to come. Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson will give a congratulatory speech. Musicians Magda Andersson (vocals and guitar) and Anton Teljebäck (violin) will play a few songs during the ceremony.

Alumna Jennie Ekbeck will give a speech with the title: Embrace serendipity. Jennie Ekbeck have studied the Master's Programme in Biomedicine and has been the CEO of Umeå Biotech Incubator since 2012.

This year's student speaker is Andrea Manzano Garzia from the Master's Programme in Public Health with a specialization in Health Economics.

During the ceremony, the students will receive congratulatory scrolls from Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson on stage. After the ceremony, there will be a mingle and the students will also have the opportunity to have their photos taken at a the photo booth.

More information about Graduation Ceremony


Jessica Bergström Grahn

Phone: 090-786 51 90

Email: jessica.bergstrom.grahn@umu.se