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Published: 2017-05-24

Funding to USBE

NEWS We congratulate Professor Gauthier Lanot, Professor Thomas Aronsson and Professor Magnus Wikström, Economics, and Professor Runar Brännlund, Economics and CERE for receiving external funding!

Congratulations to Professor Gauthier Lanot, Professor Thomas Aronsson and Professor Magnus Wikström who received SEK 1 800 000 from the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation and the Tore Browaldh Foundation! The project title is “Human Capital, Heterogeneity and the Performance of Social Insurance”.

Congratulations to Professor Runar Brännlund for:

  • SEK 1 071 500 from EFORIS, Energiforsk. The project team includes PhD Thomas Broberg, PhD Lars Persson and Professor Tommy Lundgren. The project title: ”Värdet av effektreduceringar och strömavbrott i svenskt näringsliv och offentlig sektor.”
  • SEK 2 026 000 from Handelsbankens Forskningsfonder. The project team includes PhD Mattias Vesterberg and PhD Chandra Kiran (SLU). The project title: “ Consumer choice and network tariff under a natural monopoly: An empirical exploration for the Swedish electricity market.”
  • SEK  3 826 706 from Energimyndigheten. The project team includes PhD Mattias Vesterberg and PhD Chandra Kiran (SLU). The project title: “Pricing and demand flexibility in a system dominated by renewable electricity production.”
