International Office announces funding for master's students who wish to carry out their degree project in India and young researchers who want to visit India to develop research contacts with partner universities.
The funds total to SEK 80 000 and aim to stimulate activities with Indian universities. Master’s students and young researchers are eligible to apply. ‘Young researchers’ refer to individuals who are either in the final phase of their dissertation work, or who has been awarded a doctoral degree in the last two years.
Since 2014, Umeå University has been working to strengthen cooperation with India, including signing new exchange agreements with Indian universities to promote mobility. The university is also a member of the Nordic center in India and since 2014, the Secretariat is located at the International Office. The Nordic Center is a resource for students, teachers and researchers, and can assist in establishing contacts in India.
To apply, submit a brief statement that describes what you intend to work on during your stay in India.
Application deadline is March 6, 2017.
If you are granted funding, you need to submit a report to the International Office that describes how you used the funds no later than 15 December 2017.