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Published: 2022-08-04

Several Umeå researchers participated in the national space meeting in Lund

NEWS On March 23-24, 2022, the Swedish Space Scientists' Cooperation Group (SRS) had its annual meeting. Several researchers from various departments at Umeå University was participating in this meeting.

Text: Ingrid Söderbergh

The meeting is important because space scientists and space organizations from different parts of Sweden meet here to exchange information.

“The meeting is important because space scientists and space organizations from different parts of Sweden meet here to exchange information about research, funding opportunities and international collaborations, says Maria Hamrin, docent in space plasma physics at Umeå University and chairman of the Swedish Space Scientists' Cooperation Group, SRS.

The annual meeting is divided into different subject areas within space research, such as various special areas within astronomy, space physics to astrobiology and astrochemistry.

Umeå University contributed with several different presentations, on space weather (Audrey Schillings, Department of Physics), on the geochemistry of the planet Mars (Merve Yesilbas, Department of Chemistry) and on biological experiments with moss and microbes on the ISS space station (Marie Hemon and Natuschka Lee, Department for ecology and environmental sciences), as well as Anita Sellstedt and Markus Schmid (Umeå Plant Science Center).

In connection with the annual conference, Natuschka Lee also gave an interdisciplinary lecture on biological experiments in space: Humans and other organisms from Earth in space environments: potentials and risks. It took place within the Space Humanities research platform at the Division of History of Ideas and Sciences at Lund University.

The Swedish National Space Agency is Sweden's space authority.

Read the program:


For more information, please contact:

Maria Hamrin
Associate professor