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Published: 2009-03-08

Extensive Furtherance of Research and Doctoral Studies in the Humanities

NEWS Umeå University will promote research in the humanities and employ 32 new researchers. This is a part of the strategic work of making research in the humanities at Umeå even stronger.

The Faculty of Arts of Umeå University is conducting extensive development work called Humanistisk offensiv [‘Initiative for the Humanities’]. Research is one of the areas of effort. The Faculty is looking for new ways for the humanities and is building strong research areas for the future. With the support of the University Board and the Baltic donation, 32 new research posts are now being advertised: assistant university lecturers, post-doctors and doctoral students.

-This addition of new research in the humanities is a very important injection for the Faculty of Arts. Our ambition is to become attractive to elite researchers from other parts of the world, says Britta Lundgren, Dean of the Faculty of Arts.

The six assistant university lecturers will be given an opportunity to do research for six years including a lengthy stay at an international university. The nineteen doctoral students will be members of a new graduate school for the humanities and, just as the holders of the seven two-year post-doctoral posts, be given their own resources for internationalisation. Read more in the advertisement.

For more information about this effort or an interview, you are welcome to contact Professor Britta Lundgren, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, tel. 070-651 68 22 or e-mail.