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Published: 2024-09-17

Extended mandate and new member strengthen the Umeå University Board

NEWS The Government has decided on the members of the University Board of Umeå University. In practice, the decision is an extension of the term of office for the current Board members from 1 October 2024 to 30 April 2028. The new member of the Board is Professor Ruth Palmer, University of Gothenburg.

"I am very pleased that the members who have served on the University Board for the current term have also been appointed for the coming term until 30 April 2028. We have a very responsible and committed Board, and the decision also provides valuable continuity for the University. The addition of Ruth Palmer, who has a background at Umeå University, further strengthens the Board's expertise," says Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson.

In 2023, the Government was late with the decision to appoint the boards of the country's higher education institutions and also changed the term of office to 17 months instead of the previous three years. The decision to shorten the terms was taken with reference to the security policy situation and the importance of bringing this type of expertise to the boards, which was also included in the assignment to the nominators, who for Umeå University were Professor Göran Sandberg and Governor of Västerbotten County Helene Hellmark Knutsson. Future terms of office will again be for three years, with a slightly longer period this time to get into a periodic phase.

Palmer brings a researcher's perspective

Ruth Palmer was also appointed as a new member of the Government and is currently a professor at the University of Gothenburg in the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Cell biology. Between 1999 and 2014, Palmer worked at Umeå University and the Department of Molecular Biology and at the then Umeå Centre for Molecular Pathogenesis (UCMP). Today, Ruth Palmer's research at the University of Gothenburg revolves around cancer.

"I hope and believe that I can contribute to the work of the University Board with my perspective as a researcher and well acquainted with Umeå University. I am passionate about creating good conditions for researchers and research and know the challenges that exist for all researchers in terms of both time and funding. I really look forward to contributing to this when I join the Umeå University Board," says Ruth Palmer, who will join the Board on 1 October.

Representatives for industry and trade 

Chairperson Anna Ekström, (appointed by the Government)

Vice chair, Lars Lustig, County Director of Västerbotten

Pär Lärkeryd, CEO

Sandra Finér, Plant manager

Professor Sverker Sörlin

Professor Kennet Ruud

Professor Eva Malmström Jonsson