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Published: 2021-02-02

Exchange studies in Europe

NEWS Get to know our neighboring countries, challenge yourself and apply for exchange studies in Europe. Choose from Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Greenland, Finland, Great Britain and Germany. Apply before 1 March to go next academic year.

Text: Petra Käck

The International Office is now announcing the university-wide exchange places in Europe within the Nordlys network and Erasmus +.

– It offers the students the possibility to live and study in our neighboring countries here in Europe. Why not explore Iceland's stunning nature while building your CV with unique courses? Or improve your English during a semester at Keele University in the north of England? says Emma Akgöz, International Coordinator at the International Office.


Applications to Nordlys are open to all students whose own department does not have a Nordplus agreement.

– Nordlys is also perfect for students who do not have the opportunity to go for an entire semester. If you can only study abroad for a shorter period, there is the possibility of a shorter exchange, from 5 working days up to one month, through so-called express mobility. Or why not take a summer course?


The places for Erasmus + are university-wide, which means that they are open to all registered students at Umeå University to apply. The exchange can be between 3-12 months.

For both Nordlys and Erasmus +, you must have completed 60 credits at Umeå University before you leave and must be a registered student at Umeå University at the time of application.

The announcement of the exchange sites will open on the first of February. The last day to apply is the first of March for the academic year 2021/2022.

Maria Hedlund studies Literary and Creative Writing at Umeå University. Right now she is doing an exchange in Iceland and dedicates her time to studying Nordic folk beliefs, Icelandic culture and the Icelandic language.

- The very best thing about going on an exchange is to experience a kind of mental growing process. I develop so much on so many different levels at the same time. It almost feels like I am growing for real.

Studying in Iceland is something Maria really recommends:

- Getting the chance to read courses you are interested in, in new surroundings, is both fun and challenging.

You must experience Icelandic nature with your own eyes. Reykjavík also impresses Maria.
- It is a city of culture, beauty and wildness with Mount Esja in the background. 

International Office offers a digital information opportunity on February 12 and most drop-in opportunities in Zoom (for exact dates see the student calendar).

Read more about exchange studies in Europe. 

Contact information: 
Email: outgoing.io@umu.se
Phone: 090-786 50 00