EU project develops technology for the green transition of the cement industry
Umeå University is part of a new EU project that aims to demonstrate technology for green transition through new electrified processes in cement, quicklime and mesa production. The ELECTRA project has a budget of €20 million and brings together global leaders in the industry.
The Department of Applied Physics and Electronics has been collaborating with the Swedish quicklime and cement industry since 2007, including through the Centre for Sustainable Cement and Quicklime Production (CHECK). The Centre's latest project, ELECTRA, is funded under the Horizon Europe initiative and led by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
“This is an important project for the Centre for Sustainable Cement and Quicklime Production. It is the first Horizon Europe project we are participating in,” says Matias Eriksson, Director of the Centre, and continues:
“We are pleased with the confidence the European Commission, heavy industry and other research performers show in our work. ELECTRA can play an important role in the industry's green transition, first and foremost in Sweden and the rest of Europe. But because the technology and the industry are global, the effects can be extensive.”