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Sonja Stenmark, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, is the 2022 Best Lab Manager Award winner!
New and exciting research in computing science now receives more than SEK 30 million in research funding.
Martí Quevedo will soon start his own postdoctoral project on chromatin architecture at CRAG in Barcelona
Researchers have created an online portal that allows you to study the processes in a data center.
New dissertation about when religion ends up in a museum, or when cultural heritage becomes sacred?
Grandma Karl is 27 years old - a new research collaboration with the University of Gothenburg.
A new AI collaboration will now give robots "common sense".
What has the Nobel Prize meant and recent developments in CRISPR-Cas9. Watch an exclusive interview.
25 young researchers are selected to meet to be inspired and inspire others.
Göran Ericsson and Mikael Elofsson inaugurate the new growth facility at Umeå Plant Science Centre
In his research, 'EC' postdoc Joram Kiriga Waititu will use the single cell RNA-sequencing method.
The importance of social ties for the health of ageing people in Europe is in focus in a new doctoral thesis.
Felipe Cava's group has discovered proteins needed to maintain the bacteria's cell wall structure.
The collaboration with the researcher started through the South Africa - Sweden University Forum, SASUF.
Overexploitation negatively affects the majority of the island's animals and plants.