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Editor only view: List off all university news

Arctic Six project will reveal forests’ role in climate change
Daniel Metcalfe will initiate a research project on measuring carbon stocks and fluxes in Arctic forests.
Published: 2024-11-11
Funding for new solutions using biomass in cement 3D-printing
Published: 2024-11-08

A research project on innovative solutions using biomass in cement 3D-printing has been granted funding.

Humlab invites pilot project proposals in Digital Humanities
Published: 2024-11-07

Welcome with your application by december 16!

Environmental science students reviewed sustainability on campus
Published: 2024-11-07

Environmental science students have explored various aspects of sustainability on campus.

66 Million SEK from the Swedish Research Council to UCMR-researchers
Published: 2024-11-07

In this year's call from the Swedish Research Council, a total of 66 million is granted to 14 projects.

Taiwanese student completes two memorable exchanges at Umeå University
Taiwanese student completes two memorable exchanges at Umeå University over a three-year span.
Published: 2024-11-06
AI and Wicked Problems - Symposium on difficult dilemmas of AI
Published: 2024-11-05

On October 17-18, TAIGA held a symposium on AI and complex societal problems.

Cutting edge research money to infection researcher
Published: 2024-11-05

Johan Normark will study how the immune system regenerates after treatment with drugs that eliminate B cells.

Umeå researcher receives ERC Synergy Grant to study plant development
Published: 2024-11-05

€10 will contribute to new knowledge on plant development.

Apply to Cancer Research School before 30 November
Published: 2024-11-04

The application of The Cancer Research School (15 ECTS) is ends at the 30 of November.

Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson re-elected as Chairman of SUHF
Published: 2024-10-31

Umeå University's Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson was re-elected as President of SUHF.

Record number of people interested in studying come to visit
Published: 2024-10-31

People interested in studying from Ljusdal to Kalix arrive by forty buses for Öppet hus 2024.

Researcher awarded for globally renowned centre
Published: 2024-10-31

Linda Sandblad receives the Bo and Barbro Hammarström Prize.

How are you feeling, as a student? Participate in our health survey!
Published: 2024-10-31

All first-semester programme students will receive a health survey by email on 12 November.

Identifying putative functions of long non-coding RNAs in trees
Published: 2024-10-29

Camilla Canovi developed a bioinformatics pipeline to assign putative functions to long non-coding RNAs.

Latest update: 2021-05-04