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Interested in questions about international exchange? Please answer a survey from the alliance AcrossEU.
Between January 27 and March 17, you can apply for The Arctic Five's Fellows call.
Researchers at Umeå University have discovered how a certain type of protein moves for DNA to be copied.
The research infrastructure Huminfra is now taking physical form through the information platform huminfra.se.
Postcovid is a growing social problem, and we still know very little about it.
Arctic Centre Funding – Read about Gerd Pettersson and the conference she organised.
The Industrial Doctoral School projects provide important knowledge for the future.
A transporter which some bacteria use to recycle fragments of their cell wall has been discovered in Umeå,
Arctic Centre funding – Read about Ekaterina Zmyvalova and her funded research trip to Lund.
Breathe Sweden is launched - a digital platform for researchers focused on respiratory research.
Ukrainian students in Sweden with a Temporary Protection Directive permit can apply for grants.
Interdisciplinary project brings together research groups from all over Europe.
The number of applicants for programmes starting in autumn 2023 has increased by over 20 per cent.
Pedagogical skills are just as important to highlight as scientific ones, according to two qualified teachers.