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"CU4 a Life Science Shake-Up" meeting took place on 7-8 February 2023 in Sollefteå
Professor Frank Dignum chairs an international workshop on the benefits of AI in crisis situations.
Participate in this study and help researchers make better studies about food habits.
Dangerous bacterial toxins act as negotiators to create long-term infections, new research shows.
Most rewarding about being a molecule maker is when a compound with potential can be used clinically.
Thanks to countermeasures in place, the problems could be averted quickly.
Professor Bernt Eric Uhlin receives a medal for contributions to the development of microbiological research.
Teacher experience and a readable published publication on didactic dilemmas in teaching.
Caroline Blomquist receives the Faculty of Science and Technology's pedagogical prize.
CASP receives SEK 1,8 million to support life scientists in data analytics.
Eleven authors have contributed to the anthology. Berit Åström, associate professor, is one of the editors.
The books have a common theme: convincing the reader that mothers cannot raise boys to men.
Hermann Opgenoorth has been doing space research for 50 years.
Report occupational injuries, near misses and risk observations digitally in the IA system.