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This is the second time Umeå University takes part in the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking.
Nigel Mongan and Olof Wretling will be new honorary doctors at the Faculty of Medicine .
The new University Board has held its first meeting and gives its views on the shortened terms of office.
260 students in 43 international master's degree programmes from over 50 countries were celebrated.
Stefan Jansson is celebrated with the Bo and Barbro Hammarström Award.
The editors of the new Handbook of Tourism and Migration are calling out to researchers for contributions.
Creativity and inspiration were key words for the interdisciplinary conference.
Mareike Gutensohn's thesis provides insight into how mercury is transformed into its more toxic form.
Eco-friendly light sources and climate-smart buildings recognized by Swedish academy.
Professor Jeanette Littlemore, the University of Birmingham, is visiting the Department of Language Studies.
New (old) plant wall on the Art campus provides opportunities for design and molecular biology students.
Kempestiftelserna, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and Umeå University invest SEK 67.5 million in MIMS.
The prize is awarded to Kristina Björling and Fredrika Norberg, USBE.
An international crop of young designers will reveal their 30-plus design concepts to the world