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The three cross-faculty areas show the width and edge of research at Umeå University.
Guilherme Barros focuses on challenges in time-to-event studies based on observational data.
A new research project is investigating how AI-based automation affects safety in forestry.
Irene Bordignon, visiting PhD student, is interested in climate change with a particular focus on the Arctic.
Raman Preet, receives the 2023 Equal Opportunities Award at the Faculty of Medicine.
A well-stocked smorgasbord from the infrastructure's wide range of activities.
Read about Skogsungdomarna – a meeting place for young people interested in forests in Västerbotten.
It affects one in three children, according to a study in which two researchers in Umeå participated.
Females are picky listeners who prefer males who do not cheat with daily vocal training, is shown in study.
Nicolò Maccaferri wants to create hard drives that work like 'time machines'.
The Arctic Graduate School with a focus on Sustainable Development delve into workplace conditions and health.
The plan is ready for the area concerning the brain and learning.
Heads up, the programme Health on campus on February 13 is ready.
Studies of zebrafish provide clues for new treatments for human muscle diseases, according to a thesis.