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Published: 2023-02-10

Detained man sentenced to eight months in prison

NEWS The man who has been detained on suspicion of assault and unlawful threats after events taken place on Campus Umeå has now been sentenced to eight months in prison.

Text: Johanna Fredriksson

At the start of January, a man was taken into police custody and later detained on suspicion of assault and unlawful threat committed on Campus Umeå.

On Friday, 10 February, the verdict was announced. He has been sentenced to eight months in prison due to two cases of assault and one case of obstructing the course of justice and unlawful threat. He will remain in police custody pending sentence execution. The man has also a previous prison sentence, which has not yet been executed.

The University Management and the university security team have gradually made risk assessments and applied measures when needed. Read about previous events and what measures Umeå University have taken in previous articles below.

The university management has decided to continue hiring security guards during the day as well. You can reach campus guards through the security number +4690-786 76 00.