Every day, about 5,000 cyclists move on and through Campus Umeå. Making it safer and easier for bike traffic is an important part of the campus development plan established by the University Board last year. SEK 3 million is now being put into a so-called cycle superhighway in the area. Also, the bike crossing on Petrus Laestadius väg will be made safer.
A cycle superhighway is a cycle path out of the ordinary. It can for instance be straighter and wider than a traditional cycle path. Another important difference is that bikes always have priority over other vehicles. The idea of the intended cycle superhighway on campus is supposed to connect Gösta Skoglunds väg with Petrus Laestadius väg, to connect campus in a North-South direction (see map). The cycle path – expected to be complete before autumn term 2018 – will be the first stage of a planned, separate and superior pedestrian and cycle path in four directions.
Successful collaboration for a sustainable University City
The initiative to improve conditions for cyclists comes from Akademiska Hus and Umeå municipality, who have jointly applied for and been granted funds from the environmental initiative Klimatklivet operated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
“It’s great that our joint application has been approved. Klimatklivet will help us speed up the process of making our campus development plan reality together with the University,” says Olov Bergström, property developer at the northern Swedish branch of Akademiska Hus.
In the campus development plan compiled for Campus Umeå, improved orientability and increased connection to the University City is presented as one of five guiding principles.
“We’re happy to receive support in our efforts to promote sustainable transportation,” says Richard Olsson, Head of the Building Office at Umeå University.
The plan is to commence the construction of the cycle superhighway (red line) in summer 2017 and that it should be complete before start of autumn term 2018. Also one bike crossing (red dot) should be improved and made more secure.
Safer passage
Umeå municipality has also been granted funds to improve the bike crossing on Petrus Laestadius väg/Sportgränd (see red dot on map above) – between Iksu and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – needed to further link together the bike network in the University City and increase road safety.
“Umeå municipality is working towards creating an even more attractive and sustainable town. More sustainable journeys are an important part of this work – and bikes play a key part in this development. That makes it especially gratifying that we have been granted funds to improve conditions for cyclists at Campus Umeå,” says traffic planner Katarina Bergström, Umeå municipality.
For more information, please contact:
Olov Bergström,property developer, northern Swedish branch of Akademiska Hus.+46 90-17 62 31 Email:
Richard Olsson,Head of the Building Office, Umeå University+46 90-786 70 50, +46 70-662 90 68 Email:
Akademiska Hus is a Swedish property company that builds, develops and manages environments for education, research and innovation with properties from Luleå in the north to Malmö in the south.
In Sweden, the first cycle superhighway in Sweden has recently been opened in Örebro. Another one is being planned between Lund and Malmö. In Europe, superhighways are also available in Denmark, the Netherlands and England, at least.