Climate change – an international security threat?
On 29 May, researcher Peter Haldén will lecture about the impacts of climate change on security policy and international policy from a global perspective. Haldén has been responsible for the well received report entitled "Geopolitics and Climate Change."
The report points out that extremely severe climate changes will, especially over the long term, bring about significant changes in international politics in a more unstable direction.
Peter Haldén of the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in Stockholm, has been involved Climatools, a research programme focusing on tools that can assist humans in adapting to climate change. He has been the project leader of the report entitled "Geopolitics and Climate Change".
Climate change is unlikely to lead to an increase in conflicts in the short- to medium term, but a long-term development marked by unmitigated climate change could very well have serious consequences for international security. Furthermore, the reports concludes that climate changes combined with large scale environmental degradation may weaken and impoverish vulnerable states and that it threatens the economic, social and political development of developing countries.
Representatives of the media are welcome to the lecture which will take place Thursday, 29 May at 1:00 p.m.
Place: School of Dentistry, 9th Level, Room A Organized by Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Umeå University