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Published: 2024-01-17

Changes to the work environment and equal opportunities organisation

NEWS The organisation for equal opportunities will change as the Work Environment Committee (AMK) turns into a committee for both work environment and equal opportunities.

This is a result based on the inquiry Ulrika Haake presented and is an adaptation of the current organisation to include trade union cooperation also when it comes to equal opportunities.

"This change supports the University's ambition to strengthen and coordinate the important preventive measures for a good work environment and equal opportunities aimed at both staff and students," says Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson.

In early 2023, Ulrika Haake, Professor of Teaching and Learning and Director of the Umeå School of Sport Sciences, presented a proposal for how work environment and equal opportunities activities could be organised at the various organisational levels of Umeå University. Ulrika Haake was appointed by the Vice-Chancellor to lead the inquiry and work took place in dialogue with representatives of various parts of the organisation.

Read more about Ulrika Haake's inquiry and its results, or read the entire report.

Based on the inquiry, a review of the work environment and equal opportunities organisation at the University was conducted and a proposal of a new organisation was drafted in autumn 2023. On 22 December 2023, Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson adopted a rule for the organisation of work environment and equal opportunities. This rule is valid from 1 January 2024 and until further notice.

A new committee sees daylight

The new organisation means that the Work Environment Committee will instead become the Work Environment and Equal Opportunities Committee. In Swedish, Arbetsmiljö- och lika villkorskommittén, which you may see abbreviated to ALV-kommittén. The new committee will maintain responsibility as a protective committee but will also be responsible for continuous work with equal opportunities. The committee will be made up of representatives of trade unions and students, work environment and equal opportunities coordinators, work environment coordinators for physical work environment, the Human Resources Director, and the University Director.

The new committee will hold strategic meetings a number of times per year at which the Vice-Chancellor and representatives of the faculties' management groups or equivalent will also be included. Strategy meetings will be intended for discussions, exchanging experiences, and coordinating various parts of the organisation. These meetings serve the purpose of following up and improving the university-wide and long-term work environment and equal opportunities activities from the perspectives of both employer and education provider.

Strategic council is replaced

As a result of the Work Environment and Equal Opportunities Committee being established, the Strategic Council for Equal Opportunities (LIV) will be dissolved, and the committee will take over the responsibilities that the council previously had.

Three coordination groups will be established as closely linked to the committee. These are themed as follows: work environment and equal opportunities; sustainable student life; and sustainable working life. The task of these coordination groups is to work with preventive measures, promote information and knowledge exchange, and coordinate potential shared work environment and equal opportunities activities.

Our role as education provider is further strengthened by establishing a role aimed to support and coordinate work environment and equal opportunities issues for students.

When drafting the rule, dialogue has been held with the University Management Council, at head of faculty office meetings, with the University Administration and the university-wide collaborative group as well as through documents circulated for comments with the faculties, the Umeå School of Education, trade unions, and student unions.

"The new organisation will be able to integrate work environment and equal opportunities and clarify responsibilities and support in strategic work for the University Management, deans, heads of department and other managers. It also makes good use of the current organisation and processes already in place," says Hans Adolfsson.