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Published: 2025-02-28

CFO network visit on campus

Last week, we hosted a meeting session for PwC's CFO network. Professor Sofia Lundberg participated in the program by presenting the SNS report on “grading of suppliers in public procurement” of which she is one of the authors. Our dean Mats Bergman opened the meeting with an update from the business school for the participants, of which a majority were also our alumni.

Håkan Jonsson, office manager at PwC Umeå (and also an alumnus) presented the latest report from their global CEO survey, where the need for change and adaptation to new conditions had a clear impact in this year's survey. Something that emphasizes the importance of monitoring the world around us, continuously updating your market offering as a company, and the need for a focus on change management.

On top of that the meeting also provided an opportunity for conversations with mutual updates on what is happening in the companies as well as at our institution.