Umeå University Campus Park with its outdoor seatings in different levels, a floating jetty and rolling hills around the central pond is one of Sweden’s most successful landscaping projects. This according to the international Landscape Architects Network, who under the title “Sweden’s got talent” has compiled a top ten list of the most successful and functional design projects in Sweden.
Good landscape design merges into the environment in a natural way and functions in the present climate. Snowy, cold and dark Sweden no doubt poses challenges to architects of outdoor environs. To show attention to projects that have succeeded beyond expectations, the international network Landscape Architects Network has compiled a list of the top ten highest quality projects. One of them is the Umeå Campus Park that was inaugurated in 2010.
“It’s exciting that the park has been shown attention internationally in this way as it really marks a big and positive change for the entire Campus Umeå. The park is very popular among students and staff alike, and I’m confident that easily accessible and attractive outdoor surroundings of different kinds make it easier for people to meet naturally and they also stimulate creativity at the University,” says Richard Olsson, head of the Building Office at Umeå University.
The University Campus Park consists of a sundeck in three levels, a floating jetty, windy paths and small, rolling hills on an overall green area – and all of it surrounds the central Campus Umeå pond. According to Landscape Architects Network the design creates a unique atmosphere where students and employees can make use of the public outdoor environs in a natural way and work, study, rewind and meet in comfortable, beautiful and harmonious outdoor rooms – a form of rooms that encourage to improvised activities and informal meetings for students, researchers, teachers and other employees from all parts of the University.
The Campus Park is the result of a competition that was initiated by Umeå University and Akademiska Hus in 2007. The winner was landscape architect Thorbjörn Andersson at Sweco Architects, who has now also sketched a new proposal for a future town square in the centre of Umeå and several of the other top ten projects.
The other projects on the top ten list are Borås Textile Fashion Centre, Hornsbergs Strandpark in Stockholm, Plantscraper in Linköping, Winter Bay Culture Park in Stockholm, Liljeholmstorget Square in Stockholm, Sandgrund Park in Karlstad, Sankt Johannesplan & the Konsthall Square in Malmö, Sjövikstorget Square in Stockholm and Fish Market Plaza in Karlskrona.