TAIGA invites researchers at Umeå University to apply for funding for small, short projects related to the TAIGA focus areas
As AI systems are increasingly integrated in society from one-to-one interactions to organizing society as a whole, there is a growing need for the development of a transdisciplinary understanding of when and how AI technologies can and should account for social contexts along relevant lenses (through relevant perspectives) from multiple disciplines.
TAIGA’s Social Artificial Intelligence (SAI) focus area is dedicated to the study of SAI, from technical requirements to prospective applications fields and social impact. SAI covers both human-centered socially-aware AI systems that include social context in their decisions (e.g. emotion recognition, social impact) and human-like systems, seeking to replicate features of human social behavior and societies (e.g. virtual characters, social simulations).
As part of the activities of the focus area, we invite researchers at Umeå University to apply for funding for small, short projects related to the fields of interest of the focus area. Key criteria involve:
Development and/or exploitation of SAI technologies
Transdisciplinary (in the project process and/or impact)
Capacity building for Umeå University (scientific, education, and/or outreach potential)
Production of tangible results
The preferred start date of the project is autumn 2023.
Total funding available amounts to 100.000 SEK (including overhead), which may have to be divided between more than one project. For this reason, please state in the application both the desired budget and a minimal budget for the micro-project. The funds can be used to cover research time, equipment, travel, and guest speakers.
To apply, please send the attached document to the focus area coordinator, Loïs Vanhée ( by October 1st, 2023.