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Published: 2017-10-30

Attention international students - we want your feedback!

NEWS Complete the International Student Barometer and have a chance to win SEK 11,000. This is your opportunity to tell us what’s working and what you think of your university experience to date.

By completing the survey you have a chance to tell us what you think about your experience at Umeå University in terms of learning, support and student life in general. Your feedback will be used to improve the student experience for you and others who follow in your footsteps - and you could win a 11,000kr cash prize! 

The link to the survey has been sent to your e-mail account. If you have not received an e-mail from the university with a link to the online survey, please contact the International Office to obtain it: student-survey@umu.se

The survey will close Friday 1 December.

If you have responded previously, please do so again now. We recognise that opinions change over time. Equally, if previous concerns remain, we need to know. Your response, together with the response from others, helps us to improve the student experience for current and future students.

The survey forms part of a wider ongoing study and is independently administered for Umeå University by the International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate.org).

More information can be found here:
International Student Barometer

Editor: Sandra Åström