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Published: 2024-09-27

Arctic Centre hosts collaborative event for the Arctic Five

NEWS On 25 September 2024, the Arctic Centre hosted a meet-up for all members of the Arctic Five at Umeå University. The meet-up took place at A Working Lab in Universum and was held to welcome the new Arctic Five Chairs, as well as introducing everyone to the Arctic Centre, and encourage collaboration.

The meet-up consisted of presentations from the Arctic Centre staff and the attending members of the Arctic Five, as well as a joint lunch and interesting conversations. Arctic Centre’s Director Keith Larson initiated with an introduction where he presented the Arctic Centre, the vision for it, and how the Arctic Centre can support the Arctic Five members. He mentioned that the goal for the Arctic Centre is to support the researchers, highlight their activities, and be a meeting place for cross-disciplinary collaboration.

– Our vision is to be a centre where inter- and transdisciplinary thinking, research and collaboration is the norm, Larson says.

Arctic Centre is a supporting resource

After a lunch break and some conversations, the staff of the Arctic Centre presented themselves and what they can do for the Arctic Five members. The message was clear that the Arctic Centre is a supporting resource for the researchers, ready to help with promoting their research endeavours related to both the Arctic Five and the Arctic. It can be everything from organising a seminar or event, to help highlighting activities and research successes.

Five newly appointed Arctic Five Chairs

The Arctic Five has a wide range of members, from students, Doctoral students and established researchers who are Chairs, Fellows, and involved in different working groups. Earlier this year, the Arctic Five appointed five new Chairs from Umeå University. These five new Chairs are Danielle Wilde, Björn Norlin, Daniel Metcalfe, Armando Perez Cueto and Niklas Eklund. One of the purposes of the Arctic Five meet-up was to welcome them to their new chairships.

The new Chairs all hope that their chairship will lead to stronger and larger networks, collaborations, and relations between the Arctic Five universities, as well as between the actors and stakeholders outside academia.

“I hope that we can use this money and these two years to even more strengthen the networks that we already have, and to try to to be more active and do something more concrete within the research project”, says Björn Norlin, Associate professor of History and Education, and Arctic Five Chair.

About the Arctic Five

The Arctic Five is a partnership between Luleå University of Technology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Umeå University, the University of Lapland, and the University of Oulu, and together we aim to lead the way on Arctic issues. Through this alliance we advance and share knowledge, develop education, undertake research and create innovations for the development of our region and a sustainable Arctic.

Learn more about the Arctic Five