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Published: 2019-11-25

Almost a full house for the Grizzlies

NEWS When the screening of 'the Grizzlies' happened on the 20th of November, the house was almost full. On the spot were Arcum, the Canadian Embassy of Sweden, Västerbotten's museum as well as the director/producer and actors from the movie itself.

Text: Oscar Sedholm

The screening of 'The Grizzlies' became a popular event in the early winter darkness. Over 80 participants where there to see the movie, which is about mental health and social issues in a remote inuit community in Northern Canada, and how a group of youth could break a pattern of suicide through the sport Lacrosse. On the scene was also the movie's director/producer, Miranda de Pencier, as well as two of the actors, Anna Lembe and Emerald MacDonald.

After the movie a panel discussion was held with guests, about mental health among indigenous peoples. Participating in the discussion was, beyond the aforementioned guests, also Petter Stoor and Margret Fjällgren, both of Sami heritage. The discussion was moderated by Vaartoe's and Arcum's Lena Maria Nilsson.

For more information of the movie, visit the movie's homepage. For questions about the event, contact project assistant Oscar Sedholm or Lena Maria Nilsson.

Lena Maria Nilsson
Project manager, project coordinator, other position