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Public Health student is Umeå University’s Global Swede 2021
Published: 2021-05-28

Sergio Flores was honoured at a digital ceremony and received a diploma for the prestigious award.

UID21: Selfdriving taxi boats and tasting box with edible insects
Published: 2021-05-27

Get a glimpse of tomorrow as the next generation of designers showcase their visionary grad projects.

Over 600 applicants to new course in architecture
Published: 2021-05-26

Umeå School of Architecture's series of new freestanding courses by far exceeds the school’s expectations.

Siemens Financial Services Best Student Thesis Award
Published: 2021-05-21

The prize goes to Alessandra Frongillo and Bui Thi Mai Anh (Kelly), USBE.

USBE Scientific Award 2021
Published: 2021-05-17

The award recipients for 2021 are Tetiana Gorbach and Oscar Stålnacke.

USBE Pedagogical Prize 2021
Published: 2021-05-17

Senior Lecturer Catherine Lions, Department of Business Administration, is awarded this year's prize.

Students from 33 Master's Programmes celebrated
Published: 2021-05-12

On 12 May, students from 33 International Master’s Programmes were honoured for their accomplishments.

USBE Alumni Foundation Prize 2021
Published: 2021-05-12

This year´s recipient is Mathias Särkimukka, student at The Supply Chain Management Programme.

Open letter to students due to worrying spread of infection
Published: 2021-05-07

The spread of COVID-19 is now serious. Socialise with few people and stay at home if you get symptoms.

Getting your research story right
Published: 2021-05-04

15 PhD students have honed their messages during the course Science Communication.

Umeå University invests 315 million in research and education
Published: 2021-04-29

The initiative covers eight overall areas between 2021–2025 and is based on the Vision for Umeå University.

New approaches to identifying substitutes for hazardous chemicals
Published: 2021-04-29

A correct assessment of risks with chemicals that replace those that are banned is hampered by lack of data.

New simulation tool for covid-19 beats epidemiological models
Published: 2021-04-29

The simulation tool that is being developed at Umeå University now shows excellent results.

Breakthrough in the understanding of a protein with a key role in cancer
Published: 2021-04-27

The neutron reflexometry method gives scientists atomic-level insight into the behaviour of the protein Bcl-2.

AI that benefit us all – researchers prepare for the future
Published: 2021-04-23

A video on the research programs WASP and WASP-HS.