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Prohibition of zero tapping in hydropower plants has benefits
Published: 2021-06-29

More environmentally friendly flows in regulated rivers only lead to small losses in hydropower production.

Umeå scientists in US initiative to combat antibiotic resistance
Published: 2021-06-29

Fredrik Almqvist's research group assists with design and synthesis of new antibacterial substances.

Master Student from Umeå university receives Women's STEM Awards
Published: 2021-06-22

Adna Bliek at Umeå University, awarded for her Master's thesis in AI.

Can AI prevent the effects of a pandemic?
Published: 2021-06-21

A new book on how AI can prevent the effects of a crisis.

Postdocs in Umeå stick together in Umeå Postdoc Society
Published: 2021-06-21

The aim of the society is to attain an attractive environment for postdocs, both socially and academically.

The Pollen Hunt starts and a week is dedicated to pollinators
Published: 2021-06-21

School pupils begin the Pollen Hunt and the Pollination week is dedicated to pollinating insects.

Aphids don’t spit in the glass, but preferably in plant sap
Published: 2021-06-18

The gene SLI1 protects arabidopsis and makes aphids spit 20 times before absorbing sugar juice from the plant.

Forestry has little impact on the genetic diversity of the spruce
Published: 2021-06-18

Genetic variation in spruce does not differ significantly between cultivated and old forest in Västerbotten.

Highly fluorinated chemicals can enter the environment via our household waste
Published: 2021-06-17

The leaking substances that Sofie Björklund studied, PFAS, are very stable and do not break down in nature.

Umeå researcher become SIGHT Fellow
Published: 2021-06-14

Masoud Vaezghasemi is one of eleven researchers in the country in career development programs in global health

Uncanny soundscapes of gothic nineteenth-century short stories reverberate across centuries
Published: 2021-06-07

Chilling sounds that crowd Gothic short stories are investigated in a new thesis by Elena Glotova.

Guest professorship focuses on sustainable life along Vindelälven
Published: 2021-06-07

Guest professor Julian D. Olden will focus his research on sustainable life along Vindelälven.

Hundreds gather for a sustainable future in developing countries
Published: 2021-06-02

Umeå University hosts DevRes2021, which brings together hundreds of stakeholders in development research.

Exploring thriving for older people living in nursing homes
Published: 2021-06-01

Exploration of thriving gives opportunities to understand and support positive experiences for older people.

Rooting regulators are evolutionary conserved
Published: 2021-05-31

With genomes of trees mapped, one can study initiation of adventitious roots from an evolutionary perspective.