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Outstanding interest in a new course on infectious disease
Published: 2021-08-17

A new interactive course on infectious disease epidemiology and One health response has attracted many.

Unique insight into the interior of the Arabidopsis photosynthesis machine
Published: 2021-08-17

Using cryoelectron microscopy, Umeå researchers succeed to produce a high-resolution image of photosystem II.

Insects in focus for French students during internship in Umeå
Published: 2021-08-09

Honeybees and wood-living insects has been in focus during Erasmus practice.

Philip Buckland appointed Vice Dean
Published: 2021-08-04

Philip Buckland, Associate Professor in Archaeology, new Vice Dean at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

International Malaria Day – outstanding research is ongoing at Umeå University
Published: 2021-08-03

Dr Ellen Bushell and Professor Oliver Billker are prominent malaria researchers with exciting goals in mind.

Martian landslides caused by salts and melting ice?
Published: 2021-08-03

Research shows that small-scale melting of ice near the ground surface causes landslides.

Umeå University participates in the Gothenburg Science Festival
Published: 2021-08-02

In April, Gothenburg bursts with popular science activities. Natuschka Lee will give a lecture on pollinators

Ökad risk för hjärtinfarkt och stroke efter covid-19
Published: 2021-07-30

Increased risk of acute myocardial infarction and stroke after covid-19.

Kungliga Skytteanska Samfundet’s award to membrane chemist
Published: 2021-07-02

The award-winning researcher Naser Tavajohi has worked at the Department of Chemistry for just over two years.

Molecules produced that trick viruses into attaching
Published: 2021-07-01

Emil Johansson makes molecules that bind to viruses and block them from infecting cells and causing disease.

Discovery of nanosized molecules that might inhibit Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
Published: 2021-07-01

Nanosized molecules of a particular chemical element can inhibit the formation of plaque in brain tissues.

Old lessons in chemometry can improve modern AI - and vice versa
Published: 2021-06-30

With increased use of automatic systems, it is important to understand limitations in the whole chain.

New evaluation model for more sustainable cities
Published: 2021-06-30

Includes two life cycle tools and takes into account the effect of the city's services in water-waste-energy.

Rules must be broken when computers are to learn human language
Published: 2021-06-30

Anna Jonsson has developed her own model for semantic analysis.

New initiative in research in the growing field of Media AI
Published: 2021-06-30

Automatic analysis of combined media in text, image and sound is becoming increasingly important.