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Reduced climate impact by better insight in life cycle assessment
Published: 2022-10-04

The right tools are key to ensure investment decisions that reduce global emissions, new thesis shows.

New findings of how cells turn independent and regulate functions
Published: 2022-10-03

New thesis shows how cells regulate their protein level and adjust to the environment outside their organism.

Gabriel Torrens is one of the first with the Nobel laureate as a patron
Published: 2022-09-30

The Excellence by Choice Postdoc programme is managed by UCMR and UPSC with Emmanuelle Charpentier as patron.

Umeå alumnus receives alternative Nobel Prize for research on blind dates
Published: 2022-09-28

How do you really know if your date is interested in you? Daniel Lindh's research on attraction was awarded.

Arctic lakes act as “reactors” or “chimneys” for carbon dioxide
Published: 2022-09-27

The period of ice-cover and subsequent ice-melt is important for understanding CO2 emission from arctic lakes.

Networks around Arctic health research gathering on Greenland
Published: 2022-09-23

At the turn of the month, Arctic health researchers are gathering in Nuuk, Greenland.

Energy storage materials built from nano-sized molecular blocks
Published: 2022-09-20

Niobium can be used to design electrochemical energy storage materials, Mark Rambaran's thesis shows.

Design evolution through the martial art of Capoeira
Published: 2022-09-19

Nicholas Torretta draws inspiration from Capoeira to shine a light on power structures in design thinking.

Sustainable health starts up two new EU projects, IDAlert and BEPREP
Published: 2022-09-16

Research aimed at better understanding of future pandemics.

How plants protect themselves from strong light
Published: 2022-09-14

A new study uncovers a new mechanism for how plants protect themselves from strong illumination.

Robots that recognize and express intentions
Published: 2022-09-14

Getting intelligent computer programmes to recognize and express intentions is complex, new thesis shows.

Once there were lakes in the Sahara Desert
Published: 2022-09-13

Read more about the existence of ancient lakes in Sahara dated between around 10.000 and 5.000 years ago.

New research project will learn more about fermented foods
Published: 2022-09-01

Today, little is known about the impact of fermentation on human health.

Inactivated protein complex linked to Parkinson-like symptoms
Published: 2022-08-29

New study shows inactivation of a particular protein complex gives shortage of essential neurotransmitters.

The Arctic Graduate School issues a broad invitation to kick-off day
Published: 2022-08-26

The Arctic Graduate School is up and running after a kick-off day at the start of the Autumn semester.