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Many new research projects at the Department of Computing Science
Published: 2022-12-14

New and exciting research in computing science now receives more than SEK 30 million in research funding.

World-first online portal allows inside study of a data center
Published: 2022-12-13

Researchers have created an online portal that allows you to study the processes in a data center.

Can you light a candle in front of a headless baby Jesus?
Published: 2022-12-12

New dissertation about when religion ends up in a museum, or when cultural heritage becomes sacred?

Will protect personal data behind new algorithms
Published: 2022-12-12

Grandma Karl is 27 years old - a new research collaboration with the University of Gothenburg.

Emmanuelle Charpentier about her time after the Nobel Prize
Published: 2022-12-09

What has the Nobel Prize meant and recent developments in CRISPR-Cas9. Watch an exclusive interview.

Young Umeå researchers selected to participate in Nobel Week
Published: 2022-12-07

25 young researchers are selected to meet to be inspired and inspire others.

UPSC researchers get more space for growing plants
Published: 2022-12-06

Göran Ericsson and Mikael Elofsson inaugurate the new growth facility at Umeå Plant Science Centre

Investigates infecting bacteria with single-cell RNA-sequencing
Published: 2022-12-06

In his research, 'EC' postdoc Joram Kiriga Waititu will use the single cell RNA-sequencing method.

Good social relations promote active and healthy ageing in Europe
Published: 2022-12-02

The importance of social ties for the health of ageing people in Europe is in focus in a new doctoral thesis.

New target proteins for novel antibiotics discovered
Published: 2022-12-02

Felipe Cava's group has discovered proteins needed to maintain the bacteria's cell wall structure.

Expert lectures on antibiotic resistance in aquatic environments
Published: 2022-12-02

The collaboration with the researcher started through the South Africa - Sweden University Forum, SASUF.

Scientists: Madagascar’s unique biodiversity in grave danger
Published: 2022-12-02

Overexploitation negatively affects the majority of the island's animals and plants.

Umeå chemist prolonged as Wallenberg Academy Fellow
Published: 2022-11-30

Professor Yaowen Wu, director of UCMR, receives funding for another five years for research on autophagy.

Substance in the blood increases before diagnosis of pancreatic cancer
Published: 2022-11-30

There might in future be better chance to discover pancreatic cancer earlier thanks to substances in blood.