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Published: 2021-08-30 Updated: 2023-06-15, 07:43

A council for AI at the Medical faculty

NEWS The AI-council of the Medical faculty, that started its work in October last year, invites everyone to the AI-Day September 10!

The Medical faculty’s council for artificial intelligence and autonomous systems (MAI) started its work in October 2020. It’s long-term goal is to integrate AI in the faculty´s strategies for research, education, innovation and partnerships in order to strengthen the faculty before a future during which AI will play a crucial role.

“One of the most important assignments of the council is to optimize the opportunities for the researchers at the faculty to carry out ground breaking research  and to make sure that they are represented in local/national/international networks for AI-related research”, says Jenny Person professor of basal tumor biology and chair for MAI.

A number of activities

“MAI has already organised a number of activities, including seminars and research activates and we will continue to coordinate AI-related activites with in the faculty, concerning infrastructures, centres, research groups as well as Region Västerbotten. We also want to participate in integrating AI in the different educations that are carried out by the faculty, says Anna Lundberg, research coordinator and secretary of the council.  She continues:

One example of the activities that we carry out are the AI-day that we organise September 10. We would like to see everyone, researchers, doctoral students and students to participate and present their research ideas that day. The best poster will be rewarded with a travel grant!”

Contact person

Anna Lundberg
Administrator, research coordinator