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Interiörbild från arbete i laboratoriet
Study unveals a novel protective mechanism in bacterial cell wall

A crosslinking mode in the bacteria's cell wall inhibits degrading enzyms and thus protects the bacteria.

Porträttbild på Tora Holmberg
Tora Holmberg candidate as Vice-Chancellor of Umeå University

Professor Tora Holmberg will be presented to the Hearing Assembly at Umeå University.

Person som arrangerar bilder med designtema.
Feminist research challenges design museums

What role does design play in sustaining discriminatory and patriarchal systems

Tulio YoshinagaAnknuten som övrig/annan befattning till Institutionen för klinisk mikrobiologi
Develops a new method to prevent fungi disease in salmonids

Túlio's research is about saprolegnosis - a fungi disease that affect freshwater fishes.

Två mindre bassänger utomhus.
Receives SEK 15 million: Will create degradable plastic – from algae

Biomass from algae is converted into plastic used in lamps and packaging.

Illustration av hur planeten Mars samverkar med solvinden
New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind

Under certain conditions the induced magnetosphere of Mars can degenerate, a study in Nature shows.

Sofie Björklund, Forskningsassistent vid Kemiska institutionen
Forever chemicals persist through waste incineration

Common PFAS substances are difficult to capture once they have entered the environment, new thesis shows.

Professor Ruth Palmer arbetar vid Göteborgs universitet på avdelningen för medicinsk kemi och cellbiologi.
Extended mandate and new member strengthen the Umeå University Board

Professor Ruth Palmer from the University of Gothenburg strengthens the Umeå University Board.