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Published: 2022-08-01 Updated: 2023-06-15, 07:37

15 million SEK to research infrastructure for future challenges

NEWS Linda Sandblad, researcher at the Department of Chemistry at Umeå University has been appointed Research Infrastructure Fellows by the Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF. She receives 15 million SEK over five years for the project Center for Electron Microscopy in Umeå.

Text: Ingrid Söderbergh

In order to achieve success in research, better instrumentation and data management are constantly required. And above all, skilled experts who develop methods are needed.

“It feels great to be able to invest more in method development in electron microscopy, it will be a really strong asset for our research projects,” says Linda Sandblad, researcher at the Department of Chemistry at Umeå University and affiliated with Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden, MIMS.

She continues:

“That SSF distributes grants to us is a good sign that we have built an infrastructure in the right direction, exactly what today's research demands, with great national and international value.”

At the research infrastructure Umeå Center for Electron Microscopy, UCEM, at Umeå University, researchers analyze structures with very high resolution, at the Ångström level, which means one hundred millionth of a centimeter. The infrastructure is used in all scientific research, primarily medicine, biology and materials science.

“We will use the grant to improve and streamline the possibilities to visualize cells and microorganisms in 3D. It often involves basic research to gain more knowledge about how cells and organisms work. Examples of projects can be studies on the growth of bacteria and on how antibiotics can be produced, used and function. The projects are important for both ecology and infectious medicine,” says Linda Sandblad.

In total, seven projects are awarded SEK 15 million each over a five-year period.

About the Strategic Research's Research Infrastructure Fellows 2 program:

The Foundation for Strategic Research's Research Infrastructure Fellows 2 program is aimed at people who have chosen a different career path than the classic academic one and who are of decisive importance to the research community. The aim is to contribute to career paths for key people who work with the development and operation of research infrastructure at Swedish universities within SSF's areas of operation: natural sciences, medicine and technology.

For more information, please contact:

Linda Sandblad
Research fellow