Umeå Professor elected to EMBO Membership
Professor Oliver Billker is one of the newly elected EMBO Members on the 60th anniversary of EMBO, joining the community of more than 2,100 EMBO Members and Associate Members.
Published: 2024-07-10 Updated: 2024-08-09, 07:32 Text: Nora Lehotai

Oliver Billker.
ImageMattias Pettersson
The EMBO Membership initiative started in 1964 and since then, life scientists from Europe as EMBO Members, or from outside Europe as EMBO Associate Members, have been invited to join this community to guide EMBO programmes and activities. Membership is awarded based on the researchers’ significant contribution to life science research and innovations positively impacting human life.
EMBO Director Fiona Watt said: “The new EMBO Members and Associate Members have made immense contributions to fundamental life science research, and, in many cases, their work has paved the way for innovations that have improved lives and livelihoods around the world. As EMBO marks its 60th anniversary, we celebrate the pivotal roles played by the EMBO Membership in strengthening international life science research and contributing to the EMBO Programmes and activities. I send my warmest congratulations to all those elected.”
Four Swedish researchers are elected to EMBO Membership in 2024
Oliver Billker, Professor at Umeå University, Director of The Laboratory for Molecular Medicine Sweden (MIMS) and Researcher at SciLifeLab, heading one of the DDLS Research Areas
Maria Falkenberg, Professor at University of Gothenburg
Tuuli Lappalainen, Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Director of the National genomics infrastructure (NGI) at SciLifeLab
Mats Nilsson, Professor at Stockholm University
Professor Oliver Billker remarks: “I am delighted by this recognition for our work, which really was the effort of dozens of students, postdocs and collaborators. EMBO is a pillar of Europe’s life science community, with its broad spectrum of courses, awards and publications. I look forward to working with my colleagues in supporting the activities of this wonderful organization.”
More information:
EMBO press release: Outstanding scientists elected to EMBO Membership
SciLifeLab press release: SciLifeLab Researchers Elected to EMBO Membership

Umeå Centre for Microbial Research UCMR
UCMR is a Linnaeus Centre of Excellence promoting cutting-edge microbial research at Umeå University.

Department of Molecular Biology
The Department is affiliated to both the Faculty of Science and Technology and to the Faculty of Medicine.

Insight into the life of the malaria parasite could lead to new drugs
Oliver Billker studies 5000 genes of malaria parasite in fight against one of the world’s deadliest diseases.