MIMS looks back at milestones achieved in 2021-2022
The MIMS Annual Report for 2021-2022 is now published online. This report features major breakthroughs in infection research and the community driving this at MIMS.
Published: 2023-06-27 Updated: 2023-08-07, 14:06 Text: Nóra Lehotai, MIMS at Umeå University

Bacteria on plate. In the lab of Maria Fällman.
ImageMattias PetterssonThe Annual Report of the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden, MIMS, for the period of 2021-2022 details what happened during these past two years at MIMS:
- How our scientists have made important new discoveries related to infections by viruses, bacteria and parasites and how these pathogens interact with their hosts and vectors.
- How the EMBL group leader model helped us develop the careers of excellent young scientists.
- How we have engaged locally, with national programmes and international partners in the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine.
- How we entered our fourth quinquennial funding period after positive evaluation by the Swedish Research Council.
And much more. 
"We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have contributed, our researchers, administrators, collaborators, funders and board members. We could not have done it without you! Enjoy reading!", says Oliver Billker, MIMS Director.
You can download a PDF version of the MIMS Annual Report 2021-2022 here. The PDF file uses double-paged view. Printed copies are already distributed to staff and stakeholders, and upon interest, are available by contacting the MIMS office.