MIMS Stories
The MIMS Spotlight Series features interviews with members of the MIMS community. These interviews provide a picture of our different research interests but also who we are and what do we dream of.

Meet Anne-Marie Fors Connolly
MIMS Clinical Research Fellow

Meet Anna Överby Wernstedt
MIMS Deputy Director, former MIMS Group Leader

Meet Milica Milivojevic
Postdoc in MIMS Group Leader Barbara Sixt's group

Meet Ionut Sebastian Mihai
PhD student in MIMS Group Leader Johan Henriksson's group
Meet Barbara Forró
Postdoc in MIMS Senior PI Maria Fällman's group

Meet Lana Jachmann
PhD student in MIMS Group Leader Barbara Sixt's group
Meet Magnus Ölander
Senior research assistant in MIMS Group Leader Barbara Sixt's group
Meet Björn Schröder
MIMS Group Leader
Meet Takahiro Ishizaki
Postdoc in MIMS Group Leader Ellen Bushell's group
Meet Thanat Chookajorn
Senior research engineer in MIMS Director Oliver Billker's group
Communications Coordinator
Nóra Lehotai
Email: nora.lehotai@umu.se
Phone: +46 (0) 785 67 64
Latest update: 2024-08-22 Page editor: Nora Lehotai